Dangers for Dogs at Easter

Dangers for Dogs at Easter

As Easter is fast approaching, it’s important to be aware of potential dangers for our furry friends. From toxic foods to decorations, there are many things that can pose a risk to dogs during the Easter period. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common dangers for dogs at Easter and provide tips on how to keep your dog safe.

Toxic Foods

Chocolate- most dog owners are aware that chocolate is poisonous to dogs. Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine which, when ingested by dogs, affects the heart and nervous system.

According to the Blue Cross, chocolate can cause:

  • Vomiting
  • Hyperactivity
  • Diarrhoea
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • In some cases, death

 Dark chocolate contains higher levels of theobromine than other types, but all types of chocolate should be avoided for your dogs.

Hot cross buns & Simnel Cake- Raisins, currants and sultanas are all toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and kidney failure. It’s really important to note that symptoms of kidney failure, such as decrease in urination or increased thirst, can be delayed. As reported by the Kennel Club, there is no known amount which we know to be dangerous to dogs. Some can ingest a couple and be totally fine, whereas, for another dog, this could be fatal. If you think your dog has accidentally eaten anything containing raisins, sultanas or currants, seek immediate veterinary advice.

Xylitol- an artificial sweetener found in several sweetened products, such as some peanut butters. Whilst totally harmless to humans, its effects on dogs can be fatal. Before giving your dog any non-pet treats, it’s important to check that they do not contain Xylitol. Again, if you think your dog has eaten anything containing Xylitol, please contact your vet as soon as possible.


Plastic Easter eggs and other small decorations , such as bunnies and chicks, can also pose a risk to dogs. If ingested, these items can cause intestinal blockages and other health issues. It’s also important to keep an eye out for foil wrappings from eaten Easter eggs, as these can become lodged in a dog’s intestinal tract.

Ensure these items are kept out of reach of your dog, and supervise children, making sure  they do not leave them lying around where your pet can find them.


Daffodils- Daffodils are toxic to dogs and can cause various symptoms when eaten, or the water they were kept in drank. 

Symptoms  include: 

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite

In severe cases, it can lead to convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors, cardiac arrhythmias and even death.

Bluebells- A beautiful indication that spring is finally here, bluebells can actually cause several issues for your pup if they've decided to have a munch on them. Bluebells contain glycosides which can cause disorientation, vomiting and diarrhoea. 

There are also a number of other springtime plants which can cause problems for your dog. More information can be found on Tails’ website. 

What to do if you think your dog has eaten anything poisonous

It’s really important to seek the advice of your vet if you think your dog has ingested anything poisonous, no matter how little this may be. Firstly, tell your vet what you think your dog has eaten. If you can, try to identify how much your dog may have eaten (e.g. 200g chocolate or 2 daffodil bulbs). When your dog may have eaten this, whether this be 30 minutes ago, 3 hours or 3 days. If your dog has been unwell, tell your vet what symptoms your dog has displayed.

Giving your vet as much information as possible can help a vet with what course of action to take. 


With a little bit of preparation and caution, you can help keep your dog safe during the Easter holiday. Be sure to keep all toxic foods out of reach of your pet, supervise children around decorations, and be aware of any plants around you when out walking your dog.

If you feel that your dog may have come into contact with any of the mentioned toxins, please seek immediate veterinary advice. The sooner medical attention is sought, the quicker remedial action can be taken.